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FAQs about Elements and Coronavirus

To all our members, we thank you for your loyal business and your attention to our communications during these current challenging times.

We have assembled the following list of frequently asked questions and their answers to keep you informed. We will update this resource, as needed, so please be sure to bookmark this web page for easy reference.

If you have questions that aren’t addressed here, please reach out to us through one of the access channels mentioned in Access & Support directly below.

What’s most important at this time is the wellness of our families, friends, and communities. From everyone at Elements, be well and please look to us for continued support of your financial wellness.


I’m experiencing financial challenges – how can you help me?

If you need additional financial support or alternatives for your loan payments, please contact the credit union through any of the access channels listed below.

What does the Governor Holcomb’s executive "Back on Track" phased re-opening mean to Elements and its daily business operations?

Banks and credit unions fall into the category of "essential services." That’s why we have continued providing for your daily financial needs such as savings and checking as well as your short and longer-term goals supported by our extensive lending and credit programs, among all our other services. While the current environment has caused Elements to deploy the majority of our employees to work from home, we are operating as close to business as usual as we can. Further, we have kept some Elements branches open with adjusted days and hours while others have closed, based on restrictions within our partners' facilities.

With travel restrictions and social distancing in place, how do I best access my accounts at Elements?

We are here with multiple other access options for you and your accounts during this time of restricted physical access to branches:

  • Online banking via desktop at and mobile app, both with remote check deposit capabilities;
  • Our ATMs globally;
  • Our 24/7 Contact Center at 317-276-2105 or toll-free 800-621-2105;
  • Live Chat, accessible at, M-F, 9am-5pm;
  • Secure Messages through online banking and the mobile app;
  • Email via;
  • Shared branches nationwide – You may search for locations near you. (We recommend calling ahead to confirm hours before visiting; some might be offering drive-thru services only at this time.)

The current situation is dynamic and if the credit union needs to issue any access updates for members, we will do so through our typical communications including but not limited to our website and/or email.

I have a small business and I’m struggling – how can I get help?

For our members in Indiana, the Indy Chamber has developed a Rapid Response Hub with many resources to support our small businesses. Please use this link to access helpful information: In other areas, please check with your local chambers. If you’re a commercial client of Elements, please reach out to us, as well, if you need assistance.

I would like help with my student loans.

What should I do? We’re certainly here to help with that. Call and ask for our Student Loans Department or visit this web page from our partners at Student Choice to learn more about your options:

What is the best way to contact a department directly?

The best way to reach departments is still through our main customer service number 1-800-621-2105. This will ensure all calls are routed properly. If you’d prefer direct email contact, a member of the department you’re working with can provide that to you.

Is there any way you can remove the monthly limit on my electronic transfers?

Recently the Federal Reserve amended regulations to allow greater flexibility for electronic transfers from savings and money market saving accounts.

Effective May 1, 2020, Elements has eliminated its limit of six pre-authorized, electronic, automatic, telephonic, or audio response transfers from savings and money market savings accounts per calendar month. This change also applies to automated overdraft transfers you may have set up among your different deposit accounts. We hope this change leads to improved convenience for you and your accounts.


Is my money safe at Elements?

Yes. The safety and soundness of your financial assets is a top priority at Elements.

The credit union manages capital and liquidity conservatively. In times of market volatility and uncertainty, we significantly bolster our cash reserves, effectively more than doubling the levels we would typically maintain. All member deposits are federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration, our equivalent of FDIC at the banks.


Are there any special requirements I need to know to visit a branch?

As of May 18, face masks are required by the building owners at our Farm Bureau Branch. Please bring one with you when you visit this location. Thank you for your understanding. Two people are allowed inside our branches at a time with social distancing of 6 feet.

Specifically, how are your branches handling social distancing and safe hygiene?

  • All branch staff use hand sanitizer between working with each member;
  • All branches will serve only 2 members in the branch at a time with social distancing;
  • Branches will continue to observe 6-foot social distancing guidelines;
  • Work stations are cleaned throughout the day;
  • Signage is posted at all branches as reminders.

Are your Elements branches open?

Effective September, 20, 2021, our branches have returned to regular operating hours. Please monitor this FAQ and other Banking Alerts at for updates.

If your branches are closed, how can I get cash? A cashier’s check?

Since Elements is part of the shared branching network, you can withdraw cash and request cashier’s checks at a shared branch. Since many of these locations are limiting hours or providing drive-thru services only, we recommend you call ahead before your visit. Cash is also available at one of our tens of thousands of network ATMs globally.

How do I order checks beyond the branch?

Online reorders of checks are always available and preferred. Visit our Order Checks page to learn more.

How do I deposit a check if I do not have access to an Elements branch?

Mobile deposit through online or mobile banking is the preferred method. If your check(s) exceed the $15,000 limit per business day, please call us at 1-800-621-2105 to request a temporary increase (subject to approval).

  • You may visit a shared branch to deposit the check. We recommend you call ahead before your visit to confirm hours.
  • Another option is to deposit a check by mail to Elements Financial, 225 S East Street Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46202.

When will your branches open with regular business hours?

Effective September, 20, 2021, our branches have returned to regular operating hours.

Are the shared branches through your community-based network open?

Many of the shared branch locations in the broader community (beyond our Elements branches) are closing their lobby services and offering drive-thru only. We recommend checking with any shared branch before you visit. It’s best to call each location to confirm hours. You may search for locations near you.

How will I know if any of your branches close or change their hours?

We will alert members to any branch or business modification via email and/or Banking Alerts at You may also call 1-800-621-2105 for information.

What are you doing at your branches and offices to keep members and your own employees protected from the spread of Coronavirus?

We are adhering to prudent health and hygiene guidelines. Most employees are working from home and adhering to all business policies and procedures. We are fully committed to continuing to provide superior member service during these challenging times.


Why are rates dipping?

The Federal Reserve lowered the rates it controls, as a pre-emptive effort to stimulate the US economy due to the global economic impact from the Coronavirus situation. This gives financial institutions incentive to make more loans at lower rates, allowing individuals and organizations to have cash flow and continue to support the economy. With lower loan rates, deposit rates also typically dip because financial institutions must maintain a viable balance between the two.


I called about my mortgage. When will I hear back from someone?

Due to the historically low rate environment, our mortgage department is operating on a 48-hour callback schedule. Thank you for your patience.

What about my home appraisal for my mortgage?

Elements partners with two Appraisal Management Companies — and ValuationLink. You will be contacted by one of these partners who will perform your appraisal. There are guidelines in place to keep you and the appraiser safe. Maintain your distance from one another, turn all lights on and open all doors before the appointment, and be sure all areas and surfaces are clean. Do not hand anything back and forth. Your appraiser will wear gloves. If you have any questions or concerns about a full interior appraisal, please contact your Mortgage Loan Originator.

I have a mortgage closing scheduled in-person. Will that be postponed? Can I do it online instead?

At this point, we are communicating with our title company partners to determine options for your closings. Currently, we are still conducting closings on schedule unless you hear otherwise from your mortgage contacts.


Are the financial wellness workshops at my company canceled?

Our financial wellness workshops are postponed or will be done via webinar. Please visit your partner hub and check the schedule for your employer group under the Events tab. We have labeled current workshops as webinars and no longer lunch and learns. We will continue to communicate through your HR teams, so please reach out to them or your Elements Relationship Manager with questions.

Do you have educational webinars?

Yes, we do. Technology permitting, we are conducting workshops via webinar when feasible. Currently scheduled webinar workshops are listed under the Events tab on your partner hub. We also have the capability to do video conferencing on a one-on-basis to assist with any financial wellness questions you have during this time. During recent months, we’ve also introduced live educational broadcasts via Facebook. Follow our page and watch your partner hub for information.


What are the usage limits on my Elements debit card?

The daily limit is $5,000 for point-of-sale purchases and $500 for ATM withdrawals.


Will the IRS need to call me to determine where to direct deposit my stimulus payment?

No, if you are due to receive a CARES Act payment, the IRS will use your direct deposit information on file as of your 2019 or 2018 federal tax return. has the most up-to-date information regarding these payments and wants taxpayers to be aware of COVID-19 phishing calls and emails. Please avoid returning phone calls from individuals claiming to need your account information for this purpose. The same goes for emails, social media postings, and text messages. Simply ignore or delete these.

What types of scams should I be watching for?

Scammers are taking advantage of fears surrounding the Coronavirus and current market volatility. The FTC and SEC have published tips to avoid these types of scams:

  • Avoid online offers for coronavirus-related vaccines, treatments, or cures; they aren't legitimate.
  • Be wary of individuals or illegitimate organizations asking for money for coronavirus victims, or for disease research, especially if they want cash, gift cards, or wires.
  • Watch for emails, phone calls, and text messages claiming to be from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO) saying they have new information about the virus. For the most up-to-date information, visit the official websites for the CDC ( and the WHO (
  • Ignore phone calls or emails from strangers urging you to invest in a hot new coronavirus stock. Don’t let anyone rush you or pressure you into making important financial decisions.
  • Don't download files or open attachments from unexpected emails, even if the email address looks like a company or person you recognize. Be wary of links from unfamiliar companies.

If you think you have been scammed, file a consumer complaint on the Federal Trade Commission website (

Lilly Branch Access

September 17, 2021 — Our Lilly Corporate Center and Lilly Technology Center South branches are open regular hours effective Monday, September 20, 2021 — Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm. Our Lilly Technology Center North branch is currently closed.

IGC Branch Access

September 17, 2021 — Our branch at the Indiana Government Center is open regular hours effective Monday, September 20, 2021 — Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm.

We comply with current social distancing guidelines in all our branches, and our employees wear face mask to protect members and themselves. Please observe all signage, floor markings, and guidelines while visiting Elements.

Elanco Branch Access

March 13, 2020 — Elements Financial is aware that Elanco has gone to remote access to its Greenfield facilities, effective Monday, March 16, 2020. Our branch at this location will close accordingly until further notice.

We have multiple other access options for you and your accounts during this time of restricted physical access to our Elements branches.

Farm Bureau Access

September 17, 2021 — Our branch inside the Farm Bureau Insurance building will be open regular hours effective Monday, September 20, 2021 — Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm.

Face masks are required by the building owners at our Farm Bureau Branch. Please bring one with you when you visit this location. Thank you for your understanding.

Banking the Way You Want It

Mobile Banking App

  • Online banking & bill pay
  • Mobile check deposit

Add our Card Control App

  • Added security for Elements credit and debit cards
  • Card lock technology
  • Card activity notifications